Hall of Fame
previous winners of the Innovation Challenge
1st Innovation challenge
Sekolah Rendah Lambak Kanan , Jln 49
1st Place Winner : Cikgu Hj Fairul and Cikgu Shamsul
Their proposed solution was to develop a Digital School Daily Logbook to substitute the book which they are currently using. In the video, they explain the list of problems that they are currently faced by using the existing logbook. The teachers use Microsoft Form to design the new digital School’s Daily Logbook. They ensure it is simple but yet pack with the needed information and include the ability to upload photos inside the report. Then they explain on how they extend the information gathered in the Excel response online into custom sheet that provide more selective and useful data representation. Finally, they designed it to one-page report and uses excel data link to generate custom one-page report based on data selected. All of this just by using the existing form responses.
2nd Innovation challenge
Sekolah Rendah Lambak Kanan , Jln 49
1st Place Winner : Noorhayati Binti Hj Emran
The problem statement for this solution is the need for easy access to Lesson plan, giving feedback, mark sheets and sharing of TPA resources. Her proposed solution is by using OneNote and its features. By using Staff Notebook, she can now have access to each of the teachers under her BTS TPA team, so she can now give personalize feedback to each of the teacher. Have access to updated list of mark sheets, timetable, Teacher Improvement Plan and Lesson plan. When compared to before the use of OneNote, she had to keep reminding the teachers to send her lesson plan and the mark sheets prior to her observation, but now the teachers can update them in real-time. Feedback is now faster and didn’t have to wait to be physically available as now she can give feedbacks remotely white referring directly to the document.
1st Innovation challenge
Sekolah Menengah Sultan Muhammad Jamalul Alam
1st Place Winner : Cikgu Ilyaa Farhana and Cikgu Teo Pei Ru
The problem statement that they highlight is that the difficulty to update their 100 hours as they have to refer to their books, calendar and notes. And sometimes, they forget to take note on this activity. Thus, their proposed solution is by introducing a more efficient way of taking note of the Professional Development attended by using a digital form and linked that to the Excel response. By doing this, the teachers will have the list of their attended PD readily available to be entered into the 100 hours Excel sheet without having to refer to their book/notes/calendar.
2nd Innovation challenge
Sekolah Menengah Sultan Muhammad Jamalul Alam
1st Place Winner : Cikgu Hjh Junaidah Bte Hj Md Tahir, Nooraliham Bin Hj Muhammad and Mohammad Zhahir Bin Brahim
Their proposed solution was to develop dedicated online Notebook to conslidate data and information that could be divided into multiple sections, pages and sub-pages. This helps them to organise and retrieve data and information fast and easy. The data and information can also be updated and edited by all members instead of single person.
1st Innovation challenge
Sekolah Menengah Katok
1st Place Winner : Cikgu Hjh Dyg Noor Izan Bte Hj Awg Metali, Eddey Morliana Bte Hj Hamdan, Hjh Nurehsan Bte Hj Rosman
The necessity to create a system for gathering data in an organized and simple manner was their stated concern. They suggested creating a system for the Financial team to utilize that would compile data online and make it simpler for the Head of Team to examine the data.
1st Innovation challenge
Sekolah Rendah PKN, Bukit Beruang
1st Place Winner : Cikgu Izyan Izzati Bte Ismail and MAzura Bte Johari
The school’s facilities management is lacking, as evidenced by the fact that damage reports are exclusively handled by the FM in charge. On the other hand, the absence of organized documentation makes it challenging to monitor the progress of maintenance requests. Their suggested answer was to create methods for the FM Team members and the SMT to access the school’s building and facilities damages and maintenance report digitally and methodically.
Innovation Challenge
The aim is to identify a problem statement in their school’s routine/task and provide an ideal solution to that problem. Teachers can view their colleagues’ approaches of interpreting difficulties into solutions by employing technology during the online presentations. The skill set and information must be used to serve as a measure of their comprehension. We can also observe their degree of mastery of the technology and how creative the team members are in altering the technology to cater to their desired solution.Since the challenge is designed around competition nature, the members are seen to be keen and do the extra mile in learning more on the technology to finesse their solution. Because the challenge is supposed to be competitive in nature, the members are perceived to be eager and go above and above in learning more about the technology to fine-tune their answer.
Special mention entries
The use of Microsoft Form and Excel
Microsoft form and excel
Sekolah Rendah Lambak Kanan , Jln 49
Afrah Izzat Binti Haji Mohd Tejuddin
Norain Binti Hj Momin
Digital tracking of targeted skills in students with special needs
Microsoft form and excel
Sekolah Rendah Lambak Kanan , Jln 49
Noorhayati Binti Hj Emran
Digital assessment tools and BTS TPA observation tool
Microsoft form and excel
Sekolah Rendah Lambak Kanan , Jln 49
Ruzana Zainal Abidin
Digital record keeping for Teachers and Support staff sick leave and emergency leave
Microsoft form and excel
SM Sultan Muhammad Jamalul Alam
Hj Md Moza Norzaharin Shah Bin Hj Moksin
Md Khairul Bin Hj Sulaiman
Mass Eirnna Hj Md Yussof
Introducing Digital CCA Attendance Tracker, updated by the head of each club and compiled/monitor by the CCA Team
Microsoft form and excel
SM Sultan Muhammad Jamalul Alam
Arif Latip
Zhahir Ibrahim
Developing online report on any injury that occur during sport class through online office form.
Microsoft form and excel
SM Sultan Muhammad Jamalul Alam
Mohammad Nazriman Bin Hj Abdul Rahman
Hajah Norashikin Binti Haji Puasa
Developing digital form to substitute on the data collection of textbook
Microsoft form and excel
Sekolah Rendah PKN, Bukit Beruang
Abidah binti Hj Harris Mohd Noor Ilham
Sehidahlilahwayati binti Datanggu
Teo Lee Lee
Sitinor Zatul 'Iffah binti Rahgeni
Norhayati binti Abdullah Bat
Convert physical ICT log book into digital ICT log book using MIcrosoft Form.
Microsoft form and excel
Sekolah Rendah PKN, Bukit Beruang
Suryati Bte Hj Othman
Hjh Nur Reta Bte Hj Matamit
Ustas Firdarus Bte Abd Rahim
Farah Bte Hj Md Saiful
Developing online report on any injury that occur during sport class through online office form.
Special mention entries
The use of Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft Onenote
Sekolah Rendah Lambak Kanan , Jln 49
Hjh Noorliah Bte Hj Aspar
Siti Nurdayana Bte Hj Suili
Hairussaidah Bte Hj Ahmad
Using OneNote to collaborate between teachers while being monitored by School leader
Microsoft onenote
Sekolah Rendah Lambak Kanan , Jln 49
Cikgu Hj Fairul and Cikgu Shamsul
Enhance accessibility and the process of updating Teacher’s profile using OneNote
Microsoft onenote
Sekolah Rendah Lambak Kanan , Jln 49
Ruzana Zainal Abidin
Using OneNote to collaborate with science teachers