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reading a t o z

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Descriptions :
Reading A-Z is among the family of Learning A-Z websites providing affordable, online curriculum resources.
Launched in January 2002, Reading A-Z now has more than 170,000 members and has won a number of educational awards for its innovation in reading instruction. Among the awards are a Parents’ Choice Recommended Award, a Global Learning Initiative Award, and a Teachers’ Choice Award.
Because it is delivered over the Internet, Reading A-Z is a constantly changing program. Each month, Reading A-Z adds new books, lesson plans, and other resources, thus continually expanding its wealth of materials.
The website has more than 2,500 downloadable books (including English, Spanish, and French versions) and thousands of teaching and learning materials.
In addition to the K-6 market, Reading A-Z materials have found widespread use at a range of grade levels in special education and special needs, remedial reading, ESL, and ELL.
Packs and Passages for Teaching 21st Century Skills
Close Reading promotes careful analysis of text while building the 21st century skills of critical thinking, collaboration, and communication. With Close Reading Packs, students consider a Key Question as they read passages on a common topic, and then participate in small-group and whole-class discussions. With Close Read Passages, students are guided through repeated readings of a single passage using strategic discussion and questioning at four layers of depth, from surface level to a deeper understanding of the text.
Leveled Books
Ensure success in your classroom and beyond with engaging, developmentally appropriate leveled books at 29 reading levels. Graduated levels of difficulty build students’ confidence while increasing comprehension and fluency. Key to any leveled reading program, leveled books support instruction in comprehension, vocabulary, close reading of text, and more.
Free to try
You can have access to all their books for free for 14 days as trial.