Featured Technology : Microsoft Teams

Overview of Staff Notebook

Duration : 1 minutes 40 seconds

This short video tutorials shows the contents created within Staff Notebook. It generated automatically whenever Staff Team is created. 

Overview of PLC Notebook

Duration : 1 minutes 3 seconds

Showcase the elements inside PLC Notebook when you created PLC Team. The video explain each of the main contents inside the notebook for better understanding.

Managing members

Duration : 1 minutes 25 seconds

Demonstrate on how to add members and manage the settings inside Teams.

Course materials : Supporting learning initiatives with Staff Teams

Overview of Staff Notebook

Duration : 1 minutes 40 seconds

This short video tutorials shows the contents created within Staff Notebook. It generated automatically whenever Staff Team is created. 

Overview of PLC Notebook

Duration : 1 minutes 3 seconds

Showcase the elements inside PLC Notebook when you created PLC Team. The video explain each of the main contents inside the notebook for better understanding.