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Featured app review

No Data Found

No Data Found

No Data Found
* This review is based from our custom educational app review tools, taking into considerations on the 3 main factors as above. Visit this page to get an insight on our reviewing tool mechanism.
Descriptions :
With just one click you can save anything – videos, articles, Tweets, Instagram posts, Spotify songs and more. Organize the content you save into stunning, visual collections and share them with friends, family, colleagues, or the world!
Bookmark links for later, collate research, tell digital stories, build online portfolios, archive content, create topic pages, and more.You can even join group collections and collaborate with other users in your classroom, with friends or colleagues using a unique code.
With Wakelet you can:
– Save links from across the web; videos, articles, Tweets, songs and more
– Organize your links into stunning collections that can be kept private or made public
– Personalize your collections with images and notes, reorder your items and choose different layouts
– Collaborate with other users on group collections
– Share your collections via a single link
– Follow people you find interesting